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New Campus Plan


Campus planning is studied and carried out by about 200 faculty members centered on the New Campus Planning Committee. Student opinions are taken in through a web-based suggestion box, questions and answers, and a lifestyle project team. Through its Board of Directors, the New Campus Planning Committee discusses and approves items to be examined in New Campus planning.

The committee is an on-campus body formed in 1992 to study matters such as plans for New Campus educational and research facilities. It comprises campus trustees and department members. It has 14 working groups (WGs) and 3 project teams (PTs) that study various themes. The content of this examination is arranged by the New Campus Planning Liaison Council.

Each working group is organized from offices including on-campus researchers and facilities departments and carries out ongoing study and examination of issues essential to campus planning. Project teams are organized for specific time periods to examine university-wide matters. The New Campus Planning Office and the other offices support campus planning under the leadership of Trustee and Vice President for campus plannig.

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